The broadcast console ON AIR flex is freely configurable and can be adapted to your needs and the extensive web interface accelerates the workflow. The 40 input channels can also be easily operated by untrained personnel. An interface for transmission sequence controls is of course integrated.

ON AIR flex is Stage Tec’s smallest mixing desk and it is as an adaptable broadcast mixer with limitless degrees of freedom in configurability. Especially the ease of use and short training time make the ON AIR flex the perfect system in the broadcast studio, where regular staff without pronounced mixer experience sits at the controls.
ON AIR flex is completely IP-based and can be controlled via a virtual user interface via PC or tablet. This allows the components to be placed spatially separated, even over very long distances. Both the operation and support of the system can be remotely via network. The wiring effort is thus reduced to a minimum. ON AIR flex is fully integrated with NEXUS and has access to all resources available on the network. The protocol EmBer + is supported as external interface.

- Intuitive to operate, shallow learning curve
- Designed for the broadcast environment
- IP-based modular system architecture
- System limited only by infrastructure
- Virtual user interface: configurable, browser-based, independent of operating systems and devices
- Audio processing integrated into NEXUS, providing access to all resources
- Extensive range of I/O formats via the NEXUS router
- NEXUS audio boards hot swap
- Access to router with user rights management via the NEXUS configuration software
- Multiple audio processors can be cascaded
- Adaptable to application requirements
- All control and display elements in the fader and monitor panels user definable
- Silent operation, no hard disks or fans required
- Projects, snapshot automation and audio module library are editable and available at the press of a button
- Hardware user interface extended by a virtual surface
- Configurable GPI user interface: fader start, backstop PFL and GPO, user definable buttons
- Monitor and talkback circuits for production and studios
- Split monitoring and talkback functions
- Supports full 5.1 and stereo with integrated downmix
- Remote monitoring and maintenance via LAN
Designed for the broadcast environment
- Flexibly configurable Logic Control completely embedded in NEXUS • Modular system architecture
- System limited by infrastructure only
- IP-based
- Virtual interface, not tied to any operating system
- Audio processing integrated into NEXUS
- Scales multiple audio processes
- 40 input channels on one audio processor